The 5 Best Cave Diving Documentaries

I have more than 2000 dives, and I’ve never been cave diving. It’s dangerous. About 20 people die cave diving every year. More people have died cave diving than have climbing Mt. Everest. Whereas regular scuba diving is quite safe.

I cave diving, they love it. A little too much gear for my liking. But for those that have the bug, they can’t shake it.
Here are the my top five favorite cave diving documentaries.

Extreme Cave Diving

Extreme Cave Diving is about the exploration of the blue holes of the Bahamas. The Bahamas is littered with these blue hole caves, and cave diving is the only way to explore them. It is pretty dangerous.

The Crystal Labyrinth

The Crystal Labyrinth follows Brian Kakuk as he explores the two largest cave systems in the Bahamas. He believes they are connected and is willing to risk his life to prove it.

Dave Not Coming Back

Dave Not Coming Back is a documentary that follows Dave and Don as they complete a world record setting dive. On the dive they discover a body. This is the story of retrieving that body.

Diving Into the Unknown

Four Finnish cave divers have to do what no cave diver wants to when they find out two of their friends are missing in a a cave in Norway.

The Rescue

The Rescue is the story of the Thai soccer team that was caught inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand. The sheer size and scope of the amount of divers it took to plan and execute was unprecedented. This documentary covers every detail of what it took to extricate these kids.

If there is another cave diving documentary you think should be added to the list, please tell us on our contact page.

Be Wild.

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