Knives on a sailboat are a necessity. I probably have more knives on our sailboat than any other single item. I carry cooking knives, filet knives, pocket knives, dive knives as well as purpose built...
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A lot depends on the speed of your boat, wind conditions, and what your exact ports of departure and arrival are, but usually sailing across the Atlantic takes about three weeks. Routes There...
There really aren’t a lot of good choices when it comes to surfing movies on Hulu. There are just three. They are actually documentaries about three surfers, Laird Hamilton, Bethany Hamilton, and...
Snorkeling With a Moustache and Beard: Pro Tips From a Scuba Instructor
Yep, that’s me with a full beard. If you surf around on the site you will see lots of photos of me both with and without a beard. I grow one if I’m in the mood. I can grow a full beard in about a...
Most of the Caribbean basin is blessed and cursed with the east to west trade winds blowing year round. It is a blessing if you are sailing any direction but east. However, if you need to go east you...
I used to love going on a sailing charter before we owned our own boat. Nothing is better than spending your days in the Caribbean or South Pacific sailing, diving, snorkeling, hiking, fishing and...