About Us


HI, I’m Nancy.  Lifelong water lover and newbie to sailing in my late 40s, now early 50s.  I grew up in Santa Barbara, California and although I spent as much time as possible as a kid boogie boarding, body surfing, and swimming, my only sailing experience was one summer learning how to sail on a Laser, and turtle it with a crying partner—that’s another story.  But, the sailing bug stuck with me. 

Fast forward to 1991 right after college.  I was on a typical post-college ‘need to experience life’ European tour.  I was in Nice, France, walking around, didn’t have a lot of money, and was awed by the sight of sailboats parked right off the beautiful beach.  I said to myself, “one say I’m going to sail back here on my own boat”.  Nice little fantasy.  Not sure I actually believed it would ever happen, but it’s nice to dream. 

Fast forward to 1998.  My friend, Amy, and I go on our first real adult vacation at Club Med Turks & Caicos.  We really couldn’t afford it but that’s what credit cards were for, right??  I meet Jason, a handsome Club Med scuba instructor from Indiana—it’s a good story, I’ll tell it sometime.  Anyway, as we’re hanging out by the bar one night, I happen to mention my love of the ocean and my dream to one day sail into Nice, France on my own boat. 

Again, fast forward to 2017 (19 years later!).  My husband, Jason, and I are in Cincinnati, Ohio, have corporate jobs and are at a wine tasting event.  He leans over & out of the blue says, ‘remember that dream you had of sailing into Nice one day on your own boat?  Well, how about we do it?’  I almost fell over.  First, what?! He remembered a dream that I had completely forgotten. 

Anyway… that’s how our sailing adventure started.  Follow along as we transition out of the corporate life, prepare, learn, make mistakes, laugh, cry, and discover all the things about a boat we don’t know.


I was born and raised in Indiana, about as far from the ocean and mountains as you can get in North America. I learned to swim before I could walk, as far back as I can remember I always wanted to be by the ocean or mountains.

Not long after I graduated from Ball State University I moved to the Turks & Caicos Islands to teach SCUBA diving lessons and guide dive trips. From there I moved to St. Lucia, the British Virgin Islands and then to California in 1999. I managed a dive shop in California before working full time at PADI (the Professional Association of Dive Instructors) for several years.  My third career was as an asset manager and financial planner.

Life is better with a little adventure, so I take every opportunity to go hiking, hunting, sailing, diving, surfing, skiing, camping, etc.

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Be Wild.